The nutshell:
1. I've started a new business and I want you to "like" my facebook page.
2. I'm having a drawing next week from all my facebook "likers" and the winner gets a big box of lemons fresh off my trees (I can only ship in the US, sorry). The drawing will be within a week since the lemons NEED to be picked now.
3. All items in the new store are 20% off in February with the coupon code LEMON2015.
(Oh, and follow our store on instagram "homehaberdasher")
The whole store is below:
I've taken a nice long break from blogging and it's been good. I've been busy. Very busy. Things are changing and I'm trying to figure out how to adjust my blog in the process. I started this blog in 2007 and life has changed, I've changed, my baby is a big old 3rd grader now... I've had oodles of thoughts and ideas floating around in my head that past couple of years and they are finally starting to fall into an orderly-ish place in my mind. This last year was so consumed with our daughter's (beautiful) wedding that we hardly had time to focus on anything else besides making it to that blessed date and then collapsing.
But here we are in a new year, and actually a new season of life, with a little more space on our plates for some new things. So why not start a new business? Check out Home Haberdasher! It's just a little thing right now but I have so many great plans for it and hope it grows big enough to make a difference not just for us, but for other folks looking for a way to make money from home (think Pampered Chef type of thing). I've already lured my newlywed daughter Peety away from her job at Target to her post here as Employee #1. She's smart as a whip and is managing a lot of the graphic work already (yessss!), plus sewing, photography, cleaning (double yesssss!), and everything else that needs to be done.
Here she is overcoming her fear of my electric rotary cutter. Every day is casual dress day here at Home Haberdasher (pajamas are acceptable attire as well).
I've used this new situation to "practice" with our new, glorious fabrics on my own home. Here is our new sewing/fabric storage room in the process of being converted from my office. Why not have a glamorous work space? I call these curtains "glamorjack" since the the main print is so glamorous but the checkered trim adds a lumberjack touch to it.
With tie backs to let the Arizona glow in.
And here is my now splendid dining room after making new drapes (unlined to let the sun through). My heart leaps every time I walk into this room. Our new store is selling custom made drapes and they are soooo much more reasonably priced than Pottery Barn and other places that sell a quality product (these fabrics are far better than anything you'll find at a Target type of store which is why I can't get enough of them).
I love this little corner here....
Here is the evolution of this dining room in the past few years (after it was a grimy concrete floored tv room for a couple of years but that's a whole 'nother Oprah show...).
My work is done here. Oh wait...I'm making slipcovers for all of my dining chairs....
Yeah, these are gorgeous. I'm serious. This fabric is amazing and I can't stop.
Over time I will continue to add more of these great fabrics from the fine folks at Premier Prints, Inc. (it's all made in the USA!) and help people make pretty things with them.
So here's the plan:
1. Build up our new Home Haberdasher business to the point where it supports itself and then expand it to provide jobs and opportunities for more people.
2. Re-build Fabritopia (it's starting already) filling it with gorgeous fabrics from Premier Prints, Inc.
3. Create video tutorials to help folks with all sorts of sewing projects. This will be fun!
4. Get my stores off Etsy (the fees are killing me!) on back onto an independent website.
5. Hand my Hipster Haberdasher store over to one of my kids (it's been such a blessing but I'm tired!).
So here's where the lemons come in! Last year I had a drawing for a big box of lemons and the response was amazing (the lemons were amazing). This year I'm doing it again but I'm drawing from all the folks that like my new Home Haberdasher facebook page. We will be having regular sales and give aways and hope you will check us out and stick with me as I begin this new venture.
Right now (through February) you can buy anything at the store and get 20% off our already lower-than-the-competition prices with the coupon code LEMON2015. Seriously! Get new drapes, pillows, table runners, etc.... at a killer price!
Lot's more coming up! Keep on sewing!! XOXO