I'm so thrilled to finally have something quick and useful to make with my scraps! I bought some Pellon 72 stabilizer to try on some projects and really didn't like the way it made the fabric look rumply. Fortunately it was only a yard so I set it aside but kept it in the back of my mind. Then this bookmark idea hit me and the Pellon 72 is the perfect medium for this project so now I'm very happy with it. It's an incredibly quick project and cute as can be so it's great for little gifts and you can even make tiny versions to go with my Petite Planner Cover tutorial.
Here's all you need to make a #fabtasticbookmark:
2 pieces of fabric 9" x 1.5",
one piece of Pellon 72 (also 9" x 1.5"),
one narrow ribbon about 10" long,
and 1 metal eyelet (optional)
Iron your fabrics to each side of the Pellon with the right sides of the fabric facing outward (see the pictures below for the version without eyelets since the process is a little different).
Here's how it will look on both sides.
If you're making one without the eyelet, fold your ribbon and tuck the folded edge into the top between the fabric and the pellon (make sure it's more than 1/4" inch down so your top stitch will sew through the ribbon).
Press in place with your iron.
Now stitch all the way around your bookmark (both versions) 1/4" from the edge.
Use your rotary cutter to trim the edges so they are clean and even.
Install your eyelet and thread your ribbon through. My favorite tool for that is my new Crop-a-dile but there are oodles of tools for this and you may already have something else that works for you.
Here are examples of the two different versions.
Make oodles of them! Use them yourself or give them as gifts! Stuff stockings with them or tuck them in a birthday card! Just do it.
Let me know if you make some and be sure to share pictures on Instagram using the hashtag #fabtasticbookmark. Keep on sewing!