So my husband finally has his own man closet (which is in his own man office!). And I get to move his fishing/camping/hiking stuff out of our master closet. Win win. We're both pretty darn happy right now.
Here's what we started with. This is the only bedroom downstairs and we've been using it as a kids room / haphazard guest room for the past 12 years. It's been this color since we painted it right after we moved in and I'm so over it. Plus the carpet was disgusting after all these years. But anyway, about those shelves...
Here's how the closet looked after we finished building shelves into the bathroom (this is the actual back of the shelves).
We spend about 80.00 on supplies which included two huge 5/8" MDF boards (31.00 each) that we had cut down to the sizes we needed while we were at Home Depot. We trimmed them a little at home but the hardest part was already done. We also bought caulking and drywall screws. We used paint we already had.
We found these 2x4s on the clearance pile at Home Depot for 70% off. Joey attached them to the wall so they'd be flush with the back of the shelves.
He then attached a sheet of 5/8" MDF to the back.
Here's a close up of the the type of pilot hole he made for the screws. I wanted them sunk flat so this did the trick.
For the shelf supports he cut more of the MDF and used glue and the nail gun to attach them.
Here's what they looked like on the wall (this was just after we''d already attached the lowest shelf).
The top shelf (sorry for the blurry iPhone pic) and lowest shelf (above) go all the way back to the original wall so they're 6 inches deeper than the shelves in the middle. The top shelf went in a little wonky since the walls are a little off (I'm blaming the walls) so there was a gap that I felt was too big to fill with spackle.
I found a piece of scrap trim and used a little glue and nails and once I spackled and painted it it was just fine.
Here it is coming along nicely. That nail gun has made our lives so much easier because projects are a lot more fun and quick. Great investment.
I didn't get a pic before painting but once the shelves went in we decided it would be best to add support slats under the back of the middle shelves since we wanted to feel confident we could put heavy-ish stuff on the shelf since they're pretty wide. Much better.
So this is what it looked like after all the shelves were in but before the finish work. We were starting to get a little giddy at this point (and exhausted).
I brushed the raw edges of the shelves to seal it from absorbing paint and it worked great. That idea came from this blog post which is a great resource for building shelves.
Lots and lots of caulking.
Before painting we sealed off the area with the tarp (1.99 at walmart).
We wrapped it around the door frame just to keep the overspray from being a problem. I highly highly recommend this.
Joey sprayed with 3 coats total using our nifty power sprayer. Another great investment and a very reasonable price.
So bright and new! And all that storage space.
So now we're loading it with his man supplies but the top shelf is for guest room supplies (air mattress, bedding, etc) since this is the guest room (one I can be proud of now). So much more useful than a traditional shelf/closet rod type of set up.
Here's a peek at the other side of the room before we got started.
And here it is now with the carpet gone, new pain (Behr Wheat Bread), new curtains, and fun prints from an old calendar. The new flooring is undecided so this is it for now.
We're actually making a huge dent in our "to-do" list and it feels good. We'll probably take a small break right now though so we can have a little bit of summer fun.