It's nearly February and I've been sewing my heart out on everything! My neighbor has a darling pillow on her porch chair with a wacky heart appliquéd to it so I totally stole that idea and made one for myself. I love it! It was fast, simple, cute, and I'm sharing it with you. I got the ticking fabric at Jo-Ann but you can also find it at Walmart (at a much better price!).
I chose 18 x 18 inch pillows and used my invisible zipper method and everything turned out great. I cut each pillow square 18.5 x 18.5 before sewing it together. Here's the other one I made. If you make one of these don't feel obligated to chose traditional Valentine's Day colors. Just pick what makes you happy! This orange heart (DS Quilts fabric from Jo-Ann) makes me happy. If you want to make a pillow with an envelope closure (envelope pillow tutorial here) just make sure your pillow is nearly ready to sew together before you center the heart design, then applique it in place and finish your pillow.
I used the smaller template for a cute dish towel to add a little Valentine festivity to my kitchen.
And the smaller template was perfect for a new table square to brighten up my dining room.
Here's how you can make them too. Download and cut the template(s) (pdfs below for you) in the heart shape you want to use...
Download large and small heart template pdf pictured below (58.2K)
Just cut the shape out and place on your fabric fold.
Download wacky heart template pdf pictured below (50.9K)
Just cut the pieces out and tape together so the arrows meet each other.
Chose your fabric and fold it if you're using the regular heart shape. Place your template on the fold and cute out the heart shape. Open your heart shape and press it to get the crease out. With the wacky heart shape just cut it, tape it together, and trace around it before cutting.
Smudge your glue stick all around the edges and a little in the middle. Work fast because it dries quickly.
Heat set in place but running your hot iron over the heart.
Use a zig zag stitch and a fun thread color to zig zag all around the edges making sure your stitch is centered so you enclose the edges with each stitch.
There you go! You can make these for yourself and they also make great gift and boutique ideas.
I'm really in love with all these hearts and will probably whip up a few more before I get tired of them. Then I guess I'll be on to shamrocks, right?
Let me know if you try it and what you think!! Have a great week and keep on sewing!