I was a little late to the party but apparently I was fashionably late because it's still going on. I jumped into the Nested Churn Dash quilt along and it's been lots of fun. My friend Quiltjane of Want it , Need it, Quilt! started this fun quilt along and has had a bunch of stellar guest bloggers giving great tips and suggestions. Run over to Craftsy and grab the pattern (it's only 2.00) and get on InstaGram with the tag #nestedchurndash.
Here's what I've done so far:
Here is the first block I did. Bright pastels and stripes. These are big 24" blocks so you get a lot of bang for your buck. I really like the stripes and colors in this one and it was fun to pick through my stash.
I used glue basting the whole time and it really helped me keep my seams and corners nice and accurate. I get my glue tips from Cristy at Purple Daisies, LLC (they are a must have!).
This is my second block. The colors are sweet and soft and I think it's nice but it's not my favorite. Maybe a little too safe?
By my third block I'd figured out that it was smarted to cut everything at once and chain piece. I also figured out I was happier if the center block coordinated with the outer fabrics.
So here is the finished block. I love it.
I'm going to continue on in these colors and see if I can't get a whole quilt out of the deal. Yay!
Check it out and share your pictures on InstaGram (and follow me @jonagiammalva)! Have a great weekend and keep sewing!