I was all set to do some amazing baking with my amazing new Kitchen Aid (which I kindly treated myself too because I'm nice like that) last month when I realized I had one stinking oven mitt in the whole house. Like the complete ADHD type that I am I ran upstairs to remedy that situation immediately.
I'd received a bag of goodies from the folks at C&T/Stash Books when I started writing my book last year and there was a package of Insul-Bright in that bag. You can use it for hot stuff (oven mitts, casserole dish holders, etc) or cold stuff like lunch bags. I sandwiched one layer (9" x 9") between my fabrics (Red Rose Farm by Elizabeth Schlarb and Peacock Lane by Violet Craft) and grabbed some binding (check out my bias tape tutorial if you want to build up a decent stockpile of bias binding). Since I was in a hurry (remember, my butter was softening downstairs) I spray basted the layers together first. Smart move that.
I stitched a one inch grid pattern in no time (see my new industrial Juki?!!! More on that later....).
I quickly trimmed and bound the edges (butter....softening...) and was ready to roll (roll dough that is). I know my binding looks sloppy (I really really prefer sewing it on by hand but the butter...) but I really like these! It turns out I should've included a thin layer of cotton batting but I'm surprised at how well that flimsy-feeling layer of Insul-Bright works. They're perfect if I'm pulling something from the oven to set on the stove. If I need to carry it further, like over to the counter, then I just fold them over so I have doubled insulation. Thumbs up for Insul-Bright!