I've made the decision to stop messing with my hair color and just let it grow out. My plan was to wait until my 50th birthday to let it grow natural but I've grown tired of the constant coloring and root touch ups and I despise sitting in the stylist's chair looking through old Lady's Home Journal magazines for 3 hours. I didn't want to do it sooner because, in all honesty, I'm vain and didn't want somebody asking my youngest son (who was born just after my 41st birthday) if I was his grandma. I'm over it now. So my last color job was early August and here's where I am today.
I think it's blending out pretty smoothly and I've started using that blue shampoo to keep the color soft. It actually seems to be growning longer and I'm beginning to wonder if all that coloring was causing it to break so I couldn't grow it out. It's really soft and I do love the silvery color. I usually don't stop to worry about what other people think of me but I realized that was a huge part of why I was coloring it. I just need to deal with it. I'm the youngest in my family and I have much more grey hair than my mom or my sisters. My dad has a full head of salt and pepper (mostly salt) and it looks like I may be gaining on him.
So we'll see how this goes and if I can stay strong and let it be.
Hang tight. I've got some fun sewing stuff coming up this week!