Name that song. I did NOT intend to be gone from my blog this long but my sister is a PC and I'm a Mac and for some reason her computer does not like Typepad so I couldn't post while at her house (yet one more reason I neeeed an iPad). But I had a wonderful vacation in Portland and even got to stay a couple extra days (the surprises of flying standby) which enabled Peety and I to go see the new Harry Potter (which made me, and other theater goers, literally sob and I'm going to see it again today with Joey).
I have so much to share but I just want to do a quick birthday post (because I'm going to a movie, remember?). The day after we arrived (which just so happened to be my birthday!) I woke up to a text from Monica saying "Come join us for breakfast!". Well I replied that, sadly, I couldn't because I was still in my pajamas and had no car. She replied back with "Get dressed and steal a car!". So I did. Well I aggressively borrowed my sister's car and got there in time for a wonderful breakfast with some of my favorite people in the world. Monica was there with her super nice hubby Tom, as well as Violet Craft, Traci Butler, and Melody Miller who was vitising town with her husband. It turns out I had just missed meeting Jen of Betty Crocker Ass, which bums me out but it was my first official introduction to Melody and she couldn't be any sweeter.
Anyway, Violet lives near the restaurant we ate at and she was sweet enough to give a home tour to Monica and myself after breakfast. It's a gorgeous, old home in the swanky Laurelhurst district of Portland and it's for sale (so go here and buy it!). Here we are on one of the sun porches.
And here's a view of the ceiling in one of the bathrooms. I won't tell you where I was sitting when I took this shot so don't ask.
Portland has the best garage sales and thrift shops and I passed this on the way to my car. Pooop. People are funny. The Jesus pictures was awesome but already sold and way too big for my suitcase anyway (but I really wanted it). Pooop.
In my attempts to make my birthday awesomer I stopped by Burgerville for a hamburger and a fresh strawberry shake. Which I then proceeded to eat in a very undignified manner. I found out later their small shakes have over 500 calories (and this is not one of the small ones). Way to burst my happy bubble.
The icing on my birthday day was a trip to Fabric Depot where I ran into my own patterns! Yay! I used to shop at Fabric Depot years ago so it was such a thrill to see my stuff there. I felt like I'd arrived!
I have lots more to share but must first unpack my suitcase and get my fill of hugs. Back soon!