It's been a strong desire of mine to show my daughters how they can make money at home should they decide to follow my example and be stay at home moms. I hope they are able to make that choice because it's been such a joy to hang out with my kids all these years even though we've made many sacrifices in order to make that happen. Very few vacations, very limited "toys" and wardrobes, and fewer dinners out as our family grew (and then grew out of the children's menu!). A few weeks back Peety and I decided to make the leap and start a little etsy business we'd just been chatting about before and thus was born Hipster Haberdasher. Just fun little accessories made with great fabrics. Just a little something to fill in the gaps (canyons!) this recession has brought to our budget.
The padded camera strap cover has been my favorite as far as sewing enjoyment goes. I made one last year for myself and I've loved it but I'm always looking for a place to set my lens cap cover. So that problems is solved plus I added pockets for extra memory card storage (a photographer friend gave me that idea and I think it's genius). So anyway, here is mine and I adore it.
Super close up. I can get away with these colors near my face so I'm happy with it. I used some of the last of my precious Flea Market Fancy so this option will not be in the store since I am hoarding every last centimeter I have left. See our cool logo? I made that and it was really fun since my teenage business partner thinks it's cool too. Our first batch of covers are marked way down since I've made a few improvements so you may want to snap one up. I'll have kits soon (with a pattern!) because these are just too much fun to make alone.
Another thing we're making are bow ties. My kids are totally into Dr. Who now so we thought "why not?". Joey used to wear bow ties when we were newlyweds because apparently one of his college professors had told him that he didn't like bow ties because only shucksters wore them. So apparently that was Joey's was of sticking it to The Man. Isn't this a great set for a wedding (this one was fun to put together with the bride and now it's on it's way to her).
And, as usual, one idea led to another so I've created a really nice pattern for bow ties so everyone can join in on the fun. I'll probably have kits, with hardware, of these too.
Anyway, the point of this post isn't to sell my stuff necessarily (but that's fine too!). What I really want to do is encourage you. I completely understand how hard things are right now. Sometimes I'm tempted to panic when I stop and consider how things are for us right now and honestly, many of our friends are doing so much worse and it's just painful dammit. But maybe there are things you can do to make a little bit of a difference in your situation? We are creative people right?! I have a friend who is a great cook and she made meals, which she packed up and then froze for other families, and made a big difference in her own families finances. Do you have an idea? Run with it!
As for myself, I am running to Portland since I'm tired and desperate for a chance to get away (actually driving up with my parents). I want to see some green, feel some rain, smell the ocean, and eat some Voodoo doughnuts that are just dripping with butter. I'll drink beer too (but not with the doughnuts), and laugh with my friends and family.