I don't consider myself a "crafter" at all (I sew, and I'm okay with it) but I fell in love with this artwork on Pinterest (I'm trying to find where it originated, got it!) and was inspired. I took an old bible (I don't mean "old" like Guttenberg old, I mean "old" like worn pages and sitting on the shelf gathering dust and never being used so don't judge me...) and we set to work with the x-acto knife.
I got some 11 x 17 canvases on sale at Michael's and some Mod Podge and we covered the canvases with the bible pages and slathered Mod Podge over the top.
Everybody got in on the action and it really was a lot of messy fun.
I had each of the kids paint their own design over the top of the canvas once it was dry. I gave them each the same colors to work with so they would coordinate while still being different.
I put them up in my bedroom and I love my new wall (it's been bare forever)! It's fun to see how each of the kids expressed their personalities and now I have motivation to keep from using this table as a place to stack my un-folded clothes.