Finally! The bathroom is 100% finished and it is a beautiful sight to behold. Here are the before and after pictures so you can appreciate the difference with me!
This was taken after Joey ripped up the nasty, godawful wood floors that we had in there. The wood was better than the original carpet (in a KID'S bathroom, ack!) but just marginally. Joey has become quite adept at tile laying and he had a lot of "help" this time. Oh, and that is not a naked child there (he's only 1/2 naked).
In my fantasy bathroom I'd have removed the closet on the left and installed a vanity with 2 sinks but that's a huge project and this was enough to tackle. Check out the beautiful white cabinet now!
It was like a cave in there. I didn't take into consideration the fact that there is no window to bring some light in when I picked that brown paint. I was trying to please my, then 4 year old, oldest son who complained about it being like a "girls room". Hence the dark colors and denim-ish shower curtain. Now he can just learn how to live in a woman's world because I'm not painting anything dark again.
I removed the door for this shot but I love this wall and wanted to show the whole thing.
Here's a view from the other direction. I painted the doors and trim a fresh pure white to match everything else. They were off white before (and quite grubby).
I had a heck of a time finding something for the wall above the toilet until I saw this clock at Target and said "Duh!".
The whole process took just about one month from start to finish.
So, here's the cost run down:
Tile - 0.00 (we bought it years ago and so I'm not counting it)
Mortar, Sealant, floor boards - 25.00
Spray paint for chandelier - 0.00 (already had it)
Wainscoting - 40.00 (with lots left for another project)
Pear colored paint - 34.00
White paint - 30.00 (with lots left over)
White primer - 5.00 (on "oops paint" shelf, score!)
Knobs for vanity - 6.00
Clock - 4.00
Towels - 10.00
Towel hooks - 13.00
Total - 167.00
Joy, relief, happines - Priceless.