A few folks asked about the pronunciation of my name in the last post and here's my very first post in which I detail that (and my mother leaves a defensive comment). Just think of Jonathan without the "than". And thanks for asking! :)
I have so many pictures of people at Quilt Market that I decided just to do a whole post on that. The best part of market is getting together with "old friends" and making new friends. I admire a lot of quilters and bloggers and it's such a treat to actually meet them in person.
Here are two of my favorite "old friends"...Mary Abreu and Bari J. Mary just release a beautiful book (believe me, you want this book!) and she was kept very busy with signings and hand shaking. Bari and I roomed together and it was like a slumber party for big girls. She's a true friend and it was a joy to see people's faces light up when they saw her gorgeous booth (more on that later).
Here they are having a mutual admiration of their cute shoes. I should do a post just on shoes and bags at market because girls go crazy with the accessories here.
Bari, Heather Bailey, and Liesl Gibson outside the convention center (is this a great picture or what?). We were walking to dinner here and got a little lost but found our way eventually.
Lizzy House and friends. The ladies at this button booth are quite persnickity about picture taking so I was happy to see Lizzy standing here so I could take a picture without getting snapped at.
Mary, Monica and Elizabeth at Lizzy's famous cake party.
The terrific Jenean Morrison (with her terrific husband Joel) in her award winning booth.
Jon and Patty Young on Halloween. They went from Modkid to Mod Squad that day. Polyester galore!
Kay Whitt and the gorgeous, pink velvet chair Caroline covered for her. Bling!
Here's a picture from the fabric 2.0 party Friday night. A huge thanks to Kathy Miller, Caroline Devoy, and Stash Books for hosting this event! I'm bummed that the only pictures I got of my friend Sandi Henderson are from behind. But at least you can see here gorgeous green bag. Here are Rebecca, Kristin (Sew Mama Sew), and Bari chatting (you had to chat loudly in this room!). Rebecca has some cool stuff in the works and she roomed with Bari and I so it was really fun to get to know her in real life.
After the 2.0 party many of us decided to catch a meal and spend some more time chatting. Here we have Mo Bedell, Bari J, Kathy Mack (Pink Chalk), Rebecca (Restitcherator), Monica (The Happy Zombie), Susanne from Stash Books, Charlie Scott, John Adams (Quilt Dad and Fat Quarterly), Heather (A la Mode), Ryan Walsh, Traci (Sew Hip), Elizabeth (oh Fransson!), Kristin, Cyndi Walker (Riley Blake), Brioni & Katy (from Fat Quarterly, all the way from England). I sat next to Katy and although I've decided I'm past my "should I get a tattoo?" stage, she has the prettiest tattoos I've ever seen.
Here is Brioni's handbag! It's a treasure trove of selvages and I couldn't stop gushing over it.
Here are the gals from Me and My Sister (Barb and Mary) and my Moda rep Ron. These people are fun! And I'm lucky enough to have Barb and Mary here locally in my part of the Phoenix area.
I was thrilled to meet the gals from Marie Madeline Studios. They are so talented and their blog is such a sweet treat. My daughters are big fans so it was a joy to chat with them (and their grandma)!
Heather Bailey and Anna Maria Horner of course (and Denyse Schmidt in the background).
Elizabeth Hartman and Violet Craft. Elizabeth has a new book out (I don't have it but will soon, and highly recommend it) and Violet has a fabric collection coming. I met Violet in Portland this summer and it was fun to spend a little more time with her.
Yay! I finally got to meet my friend Marie in real life! Marie is one of my faithful pattern testers and bloggy friends and since she lives in the Houston area she was able to spend the day at market. I think she had fun and I sure had fun chatting in person!
Anne and Val (Maxfield & Pillow in order), Meg McElwee of Sew Liberated (with another baby on the way!), and myself. Meg's husband was with her and he's such a nice guy!
And here is Pam Kitty Morning in Elizabeth's beautiful booth. If my name were Pam I would've snuck away with that foot stool. Actually I would've taken it anyway but Pam kept a pretty good eye on it.
Here is Elizabeth (and look at my outfits up on the wall!!). I was lucky enough to get to play with her fabric called Red Rose Farm. It's just gorgeous no matter what you make with it. Which leads me too......
...my next give-away (the winner of the last one is Kathy, who actually just won something from Elizabeth!). This give away includes Elizabeth's quilt pattern and a lovely little bundle of her fabric, a quilt pattern from Chelsea Andersen, a darling bag pattern from Trish Preston's Sprout patterns, and 4 sweet stacks from Moda. Wow!
Just leave a comment. More to come!