Okay, here are a bunch of pictures from the Schoolhouse Series. Schoolhouse is where different designers, manufacturers, distributors give a short presentation (15 or 30 minutes). Some share their new fabric or patterns, new gadgets, or even just advice on how to sell more fabric, how to start a blog....all sorts of applicable things for store owners. It's lots of fun and a great opportunity to ask questions and find out what people are planning next.
Here is Amy Butler sharing her new fabric line called Love. It's a beautiful line (I'll be sharing her booth this week) and is already on it's 3rd printing even though it just hit the stores this week. I really like it but decided not to carry it when I found out most of the other stores had already ordered it sight unseen. So if you want some (it's seriously pretty) it will be easy to find.

Here is Heather Bailey sharing her new fabric collection and patterns. She has 4 wonderful patterns coming including the tote bag from the Mary Engelbreit magazine that everyone keeps emailing me about (yay!). You'll love everything! She did a great job and her presentation was lots of fun.
Here is Anna Maria Horner's presentation but this time she wasn't the star. Stick a cute baby in a room full of women and watch the magic. Roman is a doll and Anna's daughter Juliana is such a terrific big sister (that's her holding him up for all of us to ooh and aah at). Oh and the fabric was great too. :) Actually the fabric is amazing and I will try to give more details when I show you her booth.

Patty Young has a bunch of new patterns (all in the store now) and a new fabric collection coming (Flora and Fauna). You will love both! Patty always does such a great job with schoolhouse. She's lots of fun and always gets a few giggles out of the crowd.

Here is Chelsea Anderson sprucing up her display. This skirt is the Nie Nie Skirt and I love the fact that a portion of the sales from each of these patterns goes to Stephanie Nielsen (AKA Nie Nie, you can read about her here) to help her family offset the medical costs from the plane crash she was in. Chelsea did a great job telling her own story and explaining each pattern (they are all so cute and versatile).
Okay, here are Paula and Tim Prass working as a team (yay teamwork!). Paula was showing us her new fabric collection and giving inspirational ideas on how to display things in stores. Isn't her jacket darling? It's from the houndstoooth print in her Summer Soiree collection. Perfect!

Jenean Morrison knocked my socks of with her presentation. She's wearing her first sewing project! She made that dress for herself and it looked wonderful on her. And that's her cutie pie husband Joel. He did a great job assisting Jenean.
Don't you love these dolls? This fabric collection is Jenean's third with Free Spirit and it's called California Dreamin'. I ordered the whole darn thing and it should be here next week some time. Yay!

Here Jenean shows off one of the quilts made by Ashley of Film in the Fridge. I'm a huge fan of Ashley's quilts so it was a real treat to get to see them up close and in person.

Okay, time for a lunch break. We all ran in the rain to get lunch. Here are Myrinda (Fabric Hound), Jessica Levitt (getting her whole collection, Timber, in January), and Melanie (Above All Fabric), all with iPhones in hand.

And here we have Kim Kight (trueup.net) and Cynthia (Fabric Worm). It was a great lunch and so much fun to sit and chat with other store owners (plus the food was good). I'm so happy I got to meet Kim in person and she is so much fun (I sort of expected that)!

Later we all got together again for the Fabric 2.0 party. Here are Lizzy House, Caroline (who organized the gathering, yay Caroline!), Jay McCarroll, and Jane Sassaman. So many fun and creative people all in one place!

More booths! Scott Jarrard and his Boogie Monster booth (chatting with Joey who is carrying his man purse).

The next French General collection from Moda.

Bunny Designs (they import cute Japanese fabric). Great booth!!

May Arts. I LOVE their ribbons!!

Angela Yosten (Moda Home Mom). I simply adore Angela and it's always a highlight to spend time with her at market.

Vintage buttons...

More vintage buttons. These folks were a little sensitive about picture taking but it's my job to stick my neck out for you so I snapped away because I knew you'd want to see these.
This was over in the Andover corner and i just love it. It's a new collection called Chirp. I have the designers information here somewhere (will find it and add that since she deserves credit for such cuteness).

Blackbird Designs. Great booth! A fireplace!

Lecien row. Love it!

The Lizzie B girls do it again. Wow!

Bunny Hill Designs. Beautiful patterns and great corner booth.

Pieces from My Heart. I really liked her display and colors.

Bluebird of Happiness by Sommerset Banks. Incredible.

Vintage Karanui by Arlene Alford. Holy smokes.

This one almost makes me want to cry. Thanks For The Flowers by Sonia Bardella.
Okay, the winner of the goodies from day 2 is....Terriaw who left a comment at 5:27 am (early bird gets the worm!). Congratulations Terri!!
The give away for day 3 is this cute little notepad from Anna Maria Horner, a tape measure from Patty Young, and this gorgeous necklace in a cute little tin from the nice gals of Sweetwater (their Au.then.tic is in the store now and it's fabulous). This necklace is really pretty and has their logo on the other side of the tile. Way cute. Oh, and a little cinch sack to put it all in! Leave a comment, yada yada yada!