They even had a Wheel of Fabric for us to spin when we ordered enough fabric to qualify. I won something very nice but I'm keeping it a secret for now because it will be a give away later this week. Every person who spun also qualified to be entered into a drawing for a trip to New York City and lunch with Kathy Miller and Michael Steiner (the "Michael" in Michael Miller). My fingers are crossed so hard they're starting to atrophy in that position.
I thought I'd start at the end of the row and show you all of the booths in the Michael Miller trailer park.
First is the classy yet sassy booth of Paula Prass. Her new collection (I ordered it all!) has some of the prettiest colors coming out but the orange and grey really grabbed me. She's also planning a new line of patterns (yay!).
Here she is with that rascally gnome (actually the gnome was pretty darn nice since she let me spin the wheel).
Here I am with Paula. By the third day the Houston humidity has just made my hair an impossible frizz puff. I'm trying to pose to the side to look skinnier (that's what Jen, Paula's daughter said we should do). I love Paula! She should move to Arizona.
Here is Tim Prass relaxing with Joey. Those chairs were so comfy and that grey print on them is my favorite. There was a very good turn out of husbands this time (yay for the guys)!
Next to Paula was Sandi Henderson and her gorgeous MeadowSweet display. Her booth won the Best Merchandising ribbon (well deserved too!). Every thing was so golden and glowing in her booth (including Sandi!).
Gorgeous. This may be my favorite Sandi Henderson fabric collection so far (and it's all coming here!). She's also releasing new sewing patterns (again, getting them all!).
I want those chairs! I think they went to Caroline (of J. Caroline fame) since she lives in Houston. I'll bet she ends up with great stuff after each fall market.
I LOVED Sandi's shoes and she said they were comfortable too! Eek!
Okay, this was one of the best parts of market...I finally tracked down the elusive and mysterious Pillow and Maxfield!! You know I adore their fabric (I know a lot of folks do because it's been moving out of the store at a nice pace) but they have no website, no blog, no nothin'. I didn't even know what they looked like!
Now I know and aren't they cute?! I instantly made them my BFFs and Joey and I had a wonderful time sharing the end of the table with them at dinner. Yay (hands up in a pom-pom fashion Anne)!!
Their booth was small but powerful (sorry about the blur, the lighting was not great in the convention center and I didn't want to use my flash, oops). They are coming out with a larger version of the Whimsy line in these amazing colors and it's so beautiful (yep, got it all!). You will love it!

And at the end of the row was Patty Young's fun and sunny booth. She showcased her new fabric line (yup, on it's way) and her beautiful new patterns (in the store now!). Her hubby Jon built this booth and then they drove all the way from Illinois.

The American Girl doll size pattern will be coming soon I was promised. I'm really looking forward to playing with this new fabric collection!
On Sunday I crashed a party on the second floor (well, I think I may have been invited but that's no fun). Pam (as in Pam Kitty Morning) had been tweeting her way through Texas with Elizabeth (Late Bloomer Quilts) and bemoaning the lack of armadillo sightings (except for a dead one). So Lizzy House was kind enough to make her this lovely armadillo cake.
The details in the cake were amazing and it was soooo delicious. Here is Jen McLean (Tula Pink herself) viewing the armadillo innards. Both Lizzy and Jen have amazing new collections coming and once I saw them I knew I had to have them. You're going to freak when you see them (I did). Two nice gals with amazing talent.
Here's a close-up. I love the details in this picture (and the road kill stuff oozing out the back). Cream cheese frosting (inside and out)!
Okay, here's a cute quilt! This one is called Just Sing...Sing a Song and was made by Tom Russell. Darling, detailed and overflowing with whimsy! Wow!
Here's another bird quilt and it's called Starbugs Fly-Thru Cafe by Kathy Kennedy-Dennis. All of the birds have some sort of bug in their beaks (slimy, yet satifying). Gorgeous and fun at the same time!
And the winner for the give away on day 1 is...Rebecca, who left a comment at 8:86 am on 10/14. Yay Rebecca!! Have your people call my people (actually I'll email you).Okay, pay attention because this is the give-away for day 2. It includes a huge sheet of paper dolls from Oliver and S (the sheet is much longer than what you see here), a pattern for Amy Butler's Sexy Hexy Love Quilt, a collection of post cards from Jenean Morrison with her new California Dreamin' designs on them, a tape measure from the good folks at Clover, an emergency sewing kit from Leisure Arts, a collection of brochures from Anna Maria Horner detailing her new fabric collection and books (with a great notepad!), and the beautiful fat brochure pack Amy Butler handed out at her schoolhouse presentation (uber eye candy).

Leave a comment (like you need instructions!). We're just getting started here so don't go too far!
Oh, and I loaded tons of new patterns into the store including Modkid, Melly and Me (yay!), Hot Scott (boy clothes!!), Boutique Chic (Kay Whitt does it again and wait until I show you her shoes!), and Pink Fig. Whew!