We are back from Quilt Market but just barely. We got in early this morning (very early) and I've taken two naps and need to head off to bed soon here but I wanted to show you some of the wonderful things I saw at market first.
I thought I'd start with the best eye candy of the whole event. Heather Bailey's booth. It won best double booth prize and for good reason. It was over-the-top amazing in typical Bailey fashion.
Joey and I got to help out a little with set-up and it's lots of fun to get the behind the scenes view. Isaac and Joey set the laminate floor in place while I stitched bindings on quilts with Beth the Fabric Chick (she's Elinor Peace Bailey's business partner and owns a busy fabric store). That's Beth on the right and as you can see, Elinor is in the foreground chatting with us (I'm the one in orange, but you probably knew that). See Heather working while we chat?
One of the fun things about Heather's booth is that it was right next to Anna Maria Horner's booth so that was a fun corner to hang out in. I'll be posting pictures of Anna's booth this week.

Look at those beautiful Nicey Jane pillows! I've ordered the complete collection and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Oh and Free Spirit now offers charm packs and jelly rolls so I got those too! I think this fabric is expected to be released in December.
Here Heather is chatting with Brandon Mably, Kaffe Fassett's partner and a wonderful fabric designer himself.
See that laundry basket on the left? It's sitting on real grass. Yes, that had real grass in their booth and it was so much fun (nobody else had real grass)!
My friend Jamie made 8 quilts for Heather (in about 9 days!) and you can see them throughout the booth. The quilt on the couch was created by Heather's mom Linda and it's absolutely stunning.
The entrance!

I want my living room to look like this!
And in the true spirit of Quilt Market I want to show you a beautiful hand pieced quilt that really grabbed my eye (not literally because that would be gross). This is Grape Harvest by Gina Perkes, Lynn Drennen and Marilyn J. Smith. Simply amazing.
Joey and I had some fun in the booth of Barb and Mary (Me and My Sister). They are so much fun and these cut outs where just too much silliness to resist. We are so curvaceous (I'm the one on the right).
And then I picked a lucky duck in their booth (it said "winner" on the bottom) and won a pattern.....
...and I'm sharing it with you! Today's give away includes their darling pinafore bag pattern, a quilt pattern by Amy Hamberlin of Kati Cupcake Pattern Co., a ModKid tape measure from Patty Young and best of all, Barb and Mary's newest book Still Crazy for Baby. It's loaded with baby quilt patterns and each pattern is shown in both a boy and girl version (plus they autographed it just for you!).
Just be sure to leave a comment and you may be the first lucky duck this week!
Don't go anywhere because the give aways will just keep getting better and Friday's is a real humdinger! I'm loading dozens of new patterns in the store right away and you're going to love them! See you tomorrow!