Alrighty! We'll start with a picture of me looking for great things to take pictures of. I didn't have to look too far because I was in the Seven Islands compound and that place is more fun than a Hello Kitty Store. I look perturbed but I'm really not.

Can you believe this?? Delicious!

And these cute little matryoshka dolls actually wound up and waddled.

Their linen blend fabrics are really amazing and they have the corner on cute!


Reaching sensory overload!

Okay, something a little more soothing....Kay Whitt has designed a darling booklet of patterns for these gorgeous traveling carriers. Perfect! And I love the French General fabric she used (coming soon!).

I love this new Bijou Traveler.

I had to get a shot of Kay's shoes. Are these the cutest or what?? And I'm in love with that skirt!

Here is a small portion of Tanya Whelan's newest line called Dolce (getting all of it!). So fresh and different. The oranges and blues are amazing in this collection.

Okay, here is the always lovely Oliver and S. booth. Liesl has some cute new patterns and I really love the idea of a shirt dress for little girls.

Here is the dress I sewed (far left). I love all of these styles...classic but totally modern.

Here is Amy Hamberlin of Kati Cupcake. Really a nice gal and she's coming out with a fabric collection called Marabella (with the Henry Glass fabric company). Oh, and her booth was darling.

Here is the Izzy & Ivy booth which won best booth for a first timer. Lots of fun and sparkles!

I loved the Indigo Junction booth! Look!

Aren't these pin cushions great?

Zipper mouth! Ingenius!

I really love these bubbles in The Quilted Fish booth. Look! Something shiny!

Moda Home! Do you just love this oversized vintage stitching card? I need to get more of these in the store because they will always be popular.

Moda Home corner display. They sure pack a lot in this area but it's all cute (you just have to stand there awhile in order to take it all in).

Okay, here's some Moda fabric! I did not go to quilt market intending to get Tula Pink's (seriously, follow the link) next collection. I thought it was pretty but wasn't sure how it would work in my store. I took one look at it and it instantly went straight to the top of my list of "must have"s. It's on the left side there. The colors are incredibly vibrant and crisp but the designs stay very soft because of the birds and feathers in it. I've always been a fan of her work but this time I'm bowled over.

Okay, time for quilts! This pretty confection is called Combination by Yuriko Ikuma of Japan. Adorable!

This is Siren Song by Laurie Britt. It says it's available for purchase but I'm totally scared to even ask about how much something like this would sell for (and I'm sure it's worth every penny and more).

The winner of yesterday's give-away is Pam Kitty Morning!! It's true! First she gets a cake and now this. Must be her lucky week.
And it's time for yet another give away! I won this amazing stack of fat quarters when I spun the Gnome Wheel in the Michael Miller corridor. It contains 20 (!) gorgeous fat quarters from the Blue Krystal collection. It's all in various shades of blue (with some greys and purples blending in) and it's just beautiful. That's 5 yards of fabric! Just say something! Anything!

I'll finish up tomorrow with some beautiful booths and one more give away (it's a doozy). Then I'll take a nap. Keep on sewing!