I just wanted to pop in and say "hi".....Hi!! I decided to have a massive sale (biggest ever) in the store to clear up some space here before Quilt Market next month and I underestimated the response so we are totally freaking out a bit overwhelmed here but I didn't want to just disappear.
Besides, I got a wonderful gift in the mail 2 days ago and I've been wanting to show it to you! Scott Hansen, my pal over at Blue Nickel Studios, asked for my address stating he wanted to send me a little trifle (he was very clear that I should expect a "trifle" and not a "truffle", which is also nice as long as it's the chocolate kind and not the mushroom kind because that would be a disappointment to get a mushroom in the mail when you're expecting chocolate, don't you think?). I was thrilled to receive a super artsy envelope (drawings on both sides!) and inside was a Mary Engelbreit envelope (Scott's a huge fan too) and in that was a miniature calendar with pictures of the mountains of Washington State (did I tell I got to watch Mt. Saint Helens erupt in 1980?). Totally appropriate and such a thoughtful gift. But the best part is the holder he put it in. This amazing quilted pocket goes in my "most treasure items" collection. One, because it was one of those acts of kindness that reached me at a time when it could not be more appreciated, and two, because Scott's going to be a super famous published quilter some day and I'll have an original creation which will be worth thousands on ebay to cherish. Thank you Scott!
Dude can quilt.
I have one more pretty picture to share. This is The Grotto in Portland. It's a Catholic church that is carved out of the side of a mountain. We used to go here a lot when I was growing up, especially for Easter Mass. It's really one of the most beautiful and serene places I've ever been to. If you live in Portland and just want to go somewhere to be quiet and reflect (regardless of your religious affiliation, seriously they don't check to make sure you're a card carrying member because if they did they would see that my card expired over 20 years ago!) this is the place to do it (you could probably even bring your hand stitching with you!). Ignore my thumb in the upper left corner please. Beautiful. Moss covered steps and mile high trees all around.
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! Don't forget to sew something and if you don't need anything then sew something for someone else and make their day!