I'm really loving this whole spray painting thing. After my last project I started looking around for other things to spray paint (the cats have been looking very worried) and decided on this little magazine table (I think that's what it is. Am I right?). It's bare wood and I think this is another item we got out of someone's bulk garbage pile (I love those piles!).
I love this part the best...watching while Joey does the painting! I love being the "idea person" (as opposed to the person who actually works). I really think this is a great color. It's Blue Ocean Breeze by Krylon and I got it at Walmart for 2.97 a can (I ended up getting two cans for this). It says it dries in 10 minutes but this is Arizona and it's been over 110 lately so we have it down to about 2 minutes here.
I think it turned out great! I'm not sure what I'm going to put on it (any ideas?) but the candy is good for now.
Here's another one of my sample banners (for the now defunct Sew Simple magazine). I'll have to get a better picture because it has sparkly buttons on it but they don't show very well here. I'm going to be painting a lot more things now (we've been in our house for 6 years and I'm getting the itch to change things). But I'm off to a good start (baby steps!).
I've decided to teach a sewing class at my kids homeschool co-op and I could use some project ideas. I'm thinking a small zippered pouch would be good (straight lines but with a little zipper skill building there), and maybe a simple a-line skirt. The girls will all be around 12 - 17 years old so I think they can handle some challenges like button holes. Please share any ideas you have because I feel kind of clueless on this one!
Oh, and run over to Bari's blog because she's having a Full Bloom fat quarter stack give away! She's giving away 3 stacks so you have a good chance of winning. And check out this great interview Paula Prass did with the folks at The Sewing Examiner. Also be sure to visit Heather's blog all week because it's all Harry Potter all week long (the Baileys are the biggest HP fans I know)!