My daughter is a genius. Olivia (my oldest) was online looking for cute tutorials and she came upon a crochet pattern for the EVE robot from the the WALL-E movie. Well she showed it to her little brother Skate (we call the two of them "our bookends") and he yelled "No! Want WALL-E!". So she was forced to come up with a pattern and I'm proud to say she did this all on her own. Isn't it great? Dang! Makes a mommy proud...*sniff*.
I'm going in tomorrow for a root canal which has me fairly bummed out because I just had one in November and I turn into a big baby at the dentist office. When I was a child I had a dentist who did all my fillings without any anesthetic at all. In fact I think I might just have to google him and if he's still alive I'll track him down and kick his walker out from under him. On the up side, I'm hoping this takes care of all the sinus pain and fatigue I've been experiencing because I have a lot to get done around here!
Joey's outside spray painting again (so far he shows no signs of brain damage) and he found some great chairs in the neighbors bulk garbage pile yesterday while out jogging (in the 100 degree morning heat!). He's great! A little more spray paint and fabric and they're going to look pretty darn snappy! We're furnishing our whole patio out of our dumpster diving treasures. I'm starting to have nightmares about having a backyard neighbor party and all the neighbors get upset and take all their (now beautiful) furniture back.
So if all goes well with my root canal ("Please Sir? May I have some vicodin?") I'll be back here Thursday with some great pictures of our current project. Yay!