Okay, so after 2 1/2 hours of sleep Joey and I head out to Chicago. I nodded on and off during the flight (lack of sleep combined with dramanine) so it's all a blur. When we arrived we quickly made our way to our connecting flight and as we were boarding the plane Joey whispers to me "That's Kaffe Fassett behind us". And I'm like "OMG! No way!" And sure enough, there he is. He's much taller than I realized since I had only seen him sitting down at the last Quilt Market (honestly, he's a seriously beautiful man). Fortunately our plane was delayed on the tarmac which gave me plenty of time to text everybody I know and let them know "I'm on the plane WITH KAFFE FASSETT!", then I had to turn my phone off. Teehee.
We arrived in Pittsburgh at the same time as Bari J. and we grabbed a cab together since we stayed at the same hotel. The fun had begun! Bari was debuting her first line for Windham so there was a lot of anticipation. Also staying there (same room as Bari) were Paula Prass and her daughter Jennifer Storey and Sandi Henderson.
Here are Paula and Jennifer on our trolley ride heading over to the convention center Thursday morning.
Here is Paula showcasing her beautiful Summer Soiree line at the Schoolhouse Series. Yes, I've ordered it all!
Here are some more shots of the beautiful things made from Paula's fabric (even more later!).
Here is Patty Young getting ready to tell us about her new line Mezzanine (yep, ordered it already!) and her line of patterns (got 'em!). That's her hubby Jon in the orange shirt hanging up the quilt.
Here are Patty and Jon setting up their Modkid booth (taken from the sky bridge and I hate heights, which shows you how badly I wanted this shot).
Here is Laura Gunn showing her premier collection, Lantern Bloom, for Michael Miller (that's Kathy Miller holding up the display). Yep, I ordered that one too.
Here she is showing us the original artwork that the fabric is taken from. If you like her style then keep an eye on Crate and Barrel. Just sayin'
Here is Kathy showing us the new line from Pillow and Maxfield (yep, it's coming). It's gorgeous, has great colors, and is incredibly soft.
Okay, it is Quilt Market so here's a beautiful quilt called The Breath of Life by Chitagun Aichi of Japan. Stunning!!!
Here's a closer look (I love the ants!).
Joey made me take a picture of this place (teehee!).
And here is the darling and talented (and oh my gosh, so nice!!) Jenean Morrison showing us her latest collection for Free Spirit. It's called Picnic Parade and the colors are wonderful!
Here she is showing off a burp rag and apron made by the uber talented Carrie Sommer.
And here's todays give-away (thanks to Jenean!). A cute little picnic basket with a roll of her gorgeous fabric in it! Just leave a comment!
More tomorrow!! Stay tuned!