We are in the middle of our first major re-model here so it's a bit crazy (but fun) right now. We knocked a hole in the loft (where the store is) leading into our master bedroom. Our master bedroom is huge (28 feet long!) so we've walled it off into a more cozy room and the extra space is now going to be an office (!). This way we can get all of our desks and school area out of the loft and re-arrange the shelves in the store to make room for....MORE FABRIC!!!! Woohoo! Yip yip! Here's the view from my desk now:
Here's the actual view. Asher and Skate can't resist a bed that's actually made. I'm loving Skate's get-up. He has a mask, boots, and a parka type coat on (it's over 80 degrees out). He calls himself "Super" when he's playing dress up. Not Superman, or Super spider, just Super (it kind of covers everything he might want to be super at). He loves wearing safety goggles to the dinner table too, and it's so funny to see him saying grace with them on (it's hard for the rest of us because we just want to watch him and giggle, which just feels wrong).
We knocked out the interior wall to make room for built in cabinets and shelves. We knew this space was here since we watched them build the house and it's always bugged me that this extra space was going to waste. I made sure to have my dad check for any dead bodies hidden in here before he completely knocked it down (with a little help from my home grown demolition crew). Fortunately there wasn't even a dead fly in there so that's good (you never know, it could happen).
I'm anticipating a very busy few days here between the office construction and the arrival of Flower Power (I'm actually going to have to re-order some on Monday since it's going so fast), so I thought I'd do a give-away to keep everybody giddy with anticipation. In order to clear some shelf space and tidy up the site I'm trying to get rid of some straggler fabrics so I thought I would just give-away the last of the Flirt fabric. I have two very big-boned stacks of fabric here (wrapped in 2 yards of sweet pink lace). The bottom two cuts are a yard each and the rest are all around 1/2 to 3/4 yard (except for a fat quarter thrown in there). More than 4 yards total! Just leave a comment telling us all how this fabric would completely alter your life and improve your existence in so many fabulous ways and I'll use that random thing to pick the two most worthy comments.
Have a very constructive weekend!!