It's going to be 82 degrees on Sunday! Woohoo! I'm being perhaps a little bit sarcastic but it's been about 6 months since we've seen temps that low (during the day) here in the Phoenix area so we may actually get to see our neighbors out and about.
Thanks for all the enthusiasm (?) over my previous post! For those of you who were wondering about how the snake got into my toilet, it turns out out neighbor moved away a few weeks earlier and couldn't find his pet snake while he was packing. Apparently it had gone down his toilet and eventually ended up in ours. What I failed to mention is that my toilet had been clogged for 3 days and I had been dumping drano down there like crazy and sticking a straightened hanger down there (I just figured the girls had flushed a Barbie or something). So I have a small amount of sympathy for "Johnny" (that's what the local reporters named him). Anyway, enough about that!
I finally finished my Emmeline Apron! I started it about 4 or 5 months ago and it's been sitting here in an almost-done state since then. I can see why it's so popular (they sell out of my store almost as soon as I get them in) because it really is a cute apron and the two layers make it feel very sturdy (which an apron needs to be).
I used Mary Engelbreit's Friends and Flowers fabric (on clearance in my store now) and I think it's really cute with the black contrast.
I think this red side is my favorite though. Ignore my laundry in the background (but it is clean at least).
I finally got to make some fun things using the transfers from the Sublime Stitching book. This is a great book to have and my girls having been using it for months. I got it at JoAnn (with a really good coupon!). Oh, and you can tell Quilt Market is coming because I'm growing my nails out again!
I stitched up these cute onesies last night. The German flag onesie is for Oktoberfest tonight (the little recipients Grandparents have a great party every year). The onesies were only 10.00 for a 5 pack at JoAnn (and I had a 50% off coupon!). I really love the rocket ship!
I'm going to go get ready for that party now. I've got to iron Joey's lederhosen.