I desperately need to make some more room (and money) real quick because I'm expecting another huge order from Free Spirit (Jennifer Paganelli's Sis Boom Bellbottom and Flirt by Robyn Pandolph, gorgeous!). So for today (Wed the 9th) and tomorrow (the 10th, right?) everything in my etsy store is 7.00 yd.
This is just for you blog readers (thank you!!) so you will have to email your order to me at [email protected] and I will send you a Paypal invoice. Thank you!
ed. note: I'm so sorry but the sale is for fabric only and does not include the patterns. :(
Thank you all so much for the great response!! Things are really humming here. I will be ending the sale at 12:00 midnight tonight (thats Mountain Standard Time), so don't be knocking on my door at 12:02!!
12:01? Well, maybe. :D