I'm having a love/hate relationship with this pattern. It's Simplicity 4111, a Built by Wendy blouse and I really adore the style.
I've made it twice and the first time it took me about 4 frustrating hours. I rushed ahead without reading through the pattern (because I know how to make a blouse, right?) and ended up taking the neck facing out twice. The facing has to be attached to the wrong side first, then flipped over to the right side and stitched down. I made myself a note in order to avoid the same dilemma the second time. See: WRONG (in capitals no less) = not right. Got it? Good.
I like the finished blouse but it's too low cut for my comfort (even after raising it an inch) so I made a little tank to go under it. I like this style but it's a bit maternity-esque so with 5 kids already I'm at risk of getting those "Not again!" stares while wearing it (mind your own beeswax people, we've got it under control here). This gauze fabric was 1.00 a yard at Wallyworld and I really like it. I capped the sleeves since we don't need too much sleevage in Arizona. I like it okay, but it doesn't knock my socks off.
So this week I found a sweet, lightweight fabric at JoAnn for 2.00 yd and thought I'd try it again. I kept it real simple (no ruffle) and took in the sides so it's less "fluffy". I only ran into one glitch which I had forgotten about. Two of the steps are listed in reverse order which was pretty simple to adjust but I feel really bad for any beginners who follow the directions and then think the mistake is their own. So I whipped out my red pen again (and remember: WRONG = not right).
I really like it but the low neckline frustrates me still. It's fine for wearing around the house but if a tall guy comes to the door I'll have to leave it unanswered (I'd make an exception for that guy from Publisher's Clearing House). I've made new notes on the pattern piece and I think if I raise it and angle the front middle edges I can make it work.
Here it is with a tank under it and a brown skirt. It's okay, but definitely leaning into frump territory. Any ideas? Maybe a less conspicuous camisole-type thing under it? Or a little dickey (why do they call it that? It's embarrassing)? I'm open to advice here.