I have some cute little projects I've been working on around here but nothing ready to blog/brag (blag?) about yet. So I figured I would just post pictures of some of the things that have been keeping me busy this year (no, not pictures of my 5 kids).
I have a little ebay business that has been lots of fun and a great creative outlet. It has supported my fabric addiction and that's a very good thing! So I'll start by showing you this cute cream puff of an outfit (because it's one of my favorites and I like to look at it!).
I really love smocking and it's very relaxing. If you're a crafty person I highly recommend learning this skill (if you can do basic embroidery, you can smock!).
I really love this fabric combination (if I do say so!). Kuh-yewt!
Here's a closeup of the fun stuff. I'm very hit and miss with my bullion roses but am happy with the outcome.
Go forth and smock!