For some reason whenever I think of velour I start to hear Barry White in my head. I finished these two sweet baby sacks and this is definitely not your mother's velour jumpsuit (sorry Mom, it was stylin' then)!
Once again, I used this pattern:
If I had a sweet little baby girl to put them on (I'm done people!) I would probably make the hat too since it looks so cute. But since I don't have a little girl anymore (just 3 big ones) I will have to sell them on ebay in order to make more money to buy more fabric (it's a viscious cycle). I'm curious to see how they do (6 days, 23 hours to go!).
The weird thing is I took the pictures in the same place on the same wall and the backgrounds are totally different (the one on the right is the correct color). I'll have to play with my camera some more.
I'm not sure which is my favorite but the black one is perfect for a Christmas baby! But owls are totally in right now so I don't know....