I'm working on re-organizing my sewing room (ahem, my "studio") and I will show the horrifying, blood-curdling scream producing "before" pictures soon (maybe on Halloween?). But in the meantime, this is cute and for all you know the whole room is incredibly immaculate because I can show this picture without showing the floor or countertops. So just imagine a clean, organized and alphabetized room surrounding this:
This is where I keep my thread and just looking at it makes me happy. Spools on top, bobbins on bottom (oh, and I keep my empty bobbins in the little drawer on the left).
I got this at a local furniture store called The Potato Barn and I think it used to be a potato barn (gasp, you don't say?!). Every so often I just go there to walk around and see what's new (not in the summer though, they have no A/C)
I could put my thread in color order but how boring would that be? Sigh.